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Make Money: Paid Emails

You can make money by reading emails! There are a number of companies out there that you can sign up for that will pay you for reading emails. This is how it works: someone pays the company to advertise their product and the company sends out emails to its userbase, and each person that clicks the link in the email gets a certain amount of money (varies by company and by ad). It's a great way to make some extra cash and takes only 5 extra minutes per day! So what are you waiting for? Give it a try and you'll be glad that you did! Please note that although these companys will not send spam (non-paying ads), you may want to sign up for a new email address just to do these paid emails.

One of the most well-known companies in the whole business of paid emails is E-Mail Pays U, which has a good payout for their emails!

Another great company is Hits4Pay which has a $10 sign-up bonus and a low minimum payout rate at $25! Be sure to check this one out too!

CashMoneyEmail also has a good amount of emails and a pretty good payout for their emails as well, so be sure to check these guys out!

A great resource for paid email companies is GreenEmails, which has a large list of these companies, as well as recommendations from the webmaster! Check it out!


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